I’ve been trying to figure out a way to create awareness for Cushing’s. That was the reason why I wrote my memoir. But since it may never get published, I have to come up with another way to inform people. I need to make a video and post it on YouTube. But how could I get people’s attention? Tell a funny story, but only post half of it and say if you want to hear the other half visit my website (which is all about Cushing’s) then they would be informed, mission accomplished. People laugh easier when others are laughing. I needed laughter in my video. I didn’t want canned laughter. I needed the real thing, which meant an audience. I called around about venues. A venue would cost about $500.00 and I would still need an audience. I couldn’t attract a crowd. I had season tickets to Coast to Coast Canada’s Tenacious Women Literary Series. They bring in Canadain authors and it is a sold-out event. While at the venue, I convinced the organizer that they needed an opening act. I had a short funny story. I pitched her my story and gave her a copy of it to read. She liked it and I was given time to tell it. I figured out a way to include Cushing’s disease in the opening with a tie into my story of, laughter is the best medicine, and I had a videographer to record it. I got the audience I needed and it didn’t cost me anything.
© 2025 — Janice Barrett: Living With Cushing’s Disease